Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Pigs in a Blanket!

When I was younger my dad made pigs in the blanket while my mom
was out of town. He used a cookie sheet instead of a pan with corners,
and the grease leaked out and started a fire.
Tonight I made pigs in the blanket for my friends Carly and Chris.
It was a feast.

Anyways, I made some other things this week while I've been on break.
They are now for sale on etsy.

These flower garden bags were fun to make.
They are the product of my screen printing class!

I've also decorated these little notebooks.
They turned out to be pretty adorable.

I hope you enjoy looking at these enough to buy one . . . wink wink.

Monday, March 8, 2010

I am printing some lovely t-shirts, and I though I would give you
all the opportunity to get one if you would like.

These lovely shirts will only cost you $12.00. There will be a small shipping cost if you don't live in Pittsburg Kansas, but I'm not expecting that to be over a couple of dollars.
This is what I am expecting the shirts to look like.
These are not pictures of actual printed shirts.

I will be ordering the shirts this Friday, March 12th at 9:00am.
If you would like one, please let me know and what size before then.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

My Lovely Trip to OPE

So I thought I would share my drip to the Oshkosh Placement Exchange
with the world.
Unfortunately I did not have a camera so I have illustrated
my trip with some photo illustrations.

I was sleeping peacefully thursday morning after a long night
of worried packing, frantic double checking, and loud boy
shushing when my alarm went off at 6:30am.

So I stretched and jumped out of bed excited for what the
weekend would bring.

Jennifer, Shawn and I drove to Kansas City where we met
up with Melissa.
We got our boarding passes, and

jumped on a plane to Milwaukee Wisconsin!

When we landed we got a sweet silver ride and drove on
to Oshkosh.
I was still pretty tired from my busy night so I napped,
but still managed to catch a few glimpses of the lovely Wisconsin country side.

I awoke from my nap to find that we had arrived. We all got out and headed inside the conference center. From this point on I was a little overwhelmed for two reasons.
1. There was a frenzy of posters everywhere for any school you can imagine.
2. There weren't any door decs.

However my fears and butterflies subsided after I packed
and helped hang up some posters for Pitt State. That evening
we ate at Red Robin, which is very tasty!

Friday morning I woke up once more at 6:30 to find that
my little cold had turned into a big one. So I took some
meds a headed off for a candidate briefing and a breakfast social with KU.

After breakfast I started feeling a bit better and started
off my long day of interviews.
The day had its ups and downs, which were caused
mostly by the amount of congestion and pressure I was feeling.

I made it through though and ended the day with some
delicious food and a big smile on my face.

Saturday I awoke feeling a bit better, and started yet another
long long long long long day of interviews.

Finally around 6 I had finished! So I turned up my music
in my room, put on a dress and danced around feeling very proud of myself.

That evening there was a social for everyone who had gone
to OPE. Everyone. It was intense.
But the food was amazing, and I had my first cheese curd experience.
Yes, they did squeak.

Finally it was time to go home, but first we made a pit stop at Shawn's
house to eat brunch with his family. It was delicious, and just what I needed.

We drove back to Milwaukee, and I napped again.

Then we flew home to Kansas!
The whole experience was something else. I was intimidated,
scared, hopeful, happy, hungry, ecstatic, and a whole bunch of
other things rolled into one. Way to many feelings for three days.
I'm expecting good things to come of this, and I wanted to share it with you all!